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River banks

A guided tour in the beautiful nature of Svarfaðardalur. This horse riding tour takes you on a ride along the river banks in the valley where there is a lot of birdlife during the summer.

Length: 1-3 hours.

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Mountain tour

This trip takes you on a ride up in to the beautiful mountains surrounding the valley Svarfaðardalur. The view from the mountains is one of a kind.

Length: 1-4 hours.

About Us

In 1991 horse owners in Dalvík and around moved their activities to Hringsholt. Before that, the house kept foxes and minks. The building Hringsholt was at that time unique in the country. The Hourse club Hringur got a place for its activities and along that they built up a competition court, riding hall and riding roads – all in one place. There we saw the possibility in starting a horse riding company. In 1999 the horse rental Tvistur was formed. The name Tvistur comes from a unique horse of ours that we lost way too early. The founders and owners of Tvistur Horse rental are the couple Sveinbjörn Hjörleifsson and Elín Unnarsdóttir.

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Private Tours

For solo riders, we offer private tours at an additional cost. Enjoy a personalized experience with our expert guides. Contact us for more details and reservations.

Contact Us

To order a tour you can send us an email to or call us on phone +354-8619631 or phone +354-4661679. Reservations can often be made on a short notice but if you're planning a tour in the middle of the summer it can be good to call us on the phone or send an email in advance.

Prices 2024

Duration Group Tour Private Tour
1 hour 8500 ISK 10500 ISK
1.5 hours 10500 ISK 12500 ISK
2 hours 13000 ISK 16000 ISK
3 hours 17500 ISK 21500 ISK
4 hours 22000 ISK 27000 ISK


We are located in Hringsholt in the valley Svarfaðardalur, by road nr. 805 and we are approximately 2,5 km south of Dalvík in northeast Iceland. It will take you approximately 35 minutes to get to Hringsholt when driving from Akureyri and 30 minutes when driving from Siglufjörður. If you have trouble getting to us you can contact us and we will help you with that.